Taekwondo bukan ajang sok jagoan. Taekwondo adalah ajang belajar beladiri sembari menambah persaudaraan. We are Brothers in Taekwondo
History membuktikan bahwa Koguryo dikenal sebagai Dojang Penghasil Juara. Let's Join with Us, be a CHAMPION
Bukan cuma berlatih bersama, Dojang Koguryo juga sering mengadakan acara main bareng
Dojang Koguryo tak hanya melatih beladiri, namun juga mengajarkan atletnya agar berjiwa sosial
JUARA buah kerjasama yang baik antara pelatih, orang tua atlet dan atlet itu sendiri. Dojang Koguryo proaktif mengadakan pertemuan dengan orang tua atlet untuk mendengar masukan demi memberikan pelayanan terbaik

Friday, May 23, 2008

Common Phrases: Korean Terminology

ye --------------- yes (also "ne")
anio --------------- no
kahm sa hamnida --------------- thank you
komap sumnida --------------- less formal form of "thank you"
cheon maeneyo -------------- you're welcome (literally "Don't mention it!")
cheuk ka hamnida --------------- congratulations!
ahnyong hasimnika ------ How are you? (literally "Are you well?" )
ahnyong hasayo ----------- less formal form of "How are you?"
yoboseyo ------------------- hello (used on the phone )
ahnyonghee gasipsiyo ------------ good-bye (to the person who is leaving)
ahnyonghee gyesipsiyo ----------- good-bye (to the person who is staying)
ahnyonghee gasayo ----------- less formal form of "good-bye"
ahnyonghee gyesayo ------------------- less formal form of "good-bye"
pangap seumnida ------------------- Pleased to meet you!
toh poepkeseoyo ------------------- See you later!
eoseo osayo ------------------- Welcome!
choesong hamnida ------------------- I'm sorry
mian hamnida ------------------- less formal form of "I'm sorry!"
shillye hamnida ---------- Excuse me!
kwaen chanayo ------------------- That's all right
ahlge seoyo ------------------- I understand
moreuge seoyo ------------------- I don't understand
chaemi isseoyo ------------------- It is fun (or interesting)!


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